StoicNotes: Be Your Own Witness

In our need to belong, we sometimes rely too much on what others think of us. When we seek too much validation in external stuff – titles, pay packages, status, other people etc. – we stray away from who we truly are. We step away from that which is uniquely ours.

Epictetus prompts us to have an inner scorecard that we abide to. Do what truly brings us alive, be who we truly are and constantly seek clarity on these aspects while conducting ourselves.

A Thing Called Life!

A thing,

until it is everything,

is noise,

And once it is everything,

is silence.

– Antonio Porchia

I found this beautiful interpretation of life from Antonio Porchia. Such a profound thought shared so beautifully.

A similar sentiment is expressed by Khalil Gibran in the following lines:

“When God threw me, a pebble

into this wondrous lake,

I disturbed the surface with countless circles.

But when I reached the depths,

I became very still.”