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Embrace Turbulence

You board a flight and it takes off. At that point, you are not expecting turbulence. 

But then, weather up there is uncertain. Turbulence is very much a possibility that pilots have to factor in when they take off. 

The problem with us is: We expect no turbulence when we plan our actions for the future.We love plans that are fixed and set in stone. We expect everything else out there to be consistent and constant. We expect that all our assumptions will turn out to be true. But they often don’t.  

So here is something worth remembering: Your plan is only your intention. Reality is that turbulence will happen.

In a constantly changing world, turbulence is our opportunity to adapt, innovate and learn new things. Expect it. Factor it in your plan. Build a mindset that helps you be agile. Turbulent weather often tests the skill and resilience of a pilot that a fair weather never can. 

Navigating through turbulence and finding your way out is a vital skill to build if you are taking the road less travelled to a worthwhile destination. 


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