We think of education very narrowly. Education is not just a means to find your vocation, education is an enabler in designing a good life.
As far as earning your daily bread is concerned, even uneducated people end up making big fortunes. At the least, they know how to survive.
But on the other end of the spectrum, we see many educated people (or lets say, people with impressive college degrees) in a dire state of affairs when it comes to living a good life. We see people around who have been handed over a good fortune that they squander. They have loving kids who they ignore in the busyness of work. They have caring parents around who they take for granted. They have a good career but their finances are messed up. Their relationships broken and they have a toxic view about life and others.
I feel that the real purpose of education should be recentered around living a good life and not simply have a good career. A good career is certainly an essential element of survival, but that’s cannot be the whole point of our life.
Where will we lead our society if we always place a premium only on vocational growth and position in the pecking order of society instead of celebrating people who are able to live a balanced good life?
A life built around the highest human virtues of love, compassion, contentment, relationships and generosity.
That’s what society needs today, more than ever before!