Imagine that your results for an assessment just came out. People are calling in to check if you scored well. Teachers were anticipating you will do wonders. If you score well, people will congratulate and affirm their faith in your competence. If you score below your/their expectation, they will sympathize.
When the dust of results settle, think about what is true measure of your learning? Do your marks truly define what you learned about the subject, about your approach and about yourself?
The true measure of your result is the effort you put in. To be able to look into the mirror and say, “I gave it my all.” Marks and results are temporary but the habit of doing your absolute best in whatever you attempt serves you for a lifetime.
Recognitions are short-lived. People’s opinions are fickle, so they don’t matter. Then, why should you let their expectations dictate your sense of self-worth?
The real test is being able to face yourself in the mirror and feel with absolute certainty that you did your best.
Because the act of learning impacts us all differently. Some memorize well. Some learn by doing. Some needs other people to teach them. Some are self-learners. We all learn at different speed and rhythms. We are all unique but tests are standardized. That’s like putting an elephant and a rabbit on the same scale of measurement.
True learning is intrinsic and beyond any standard measure. It requires you to pour all your energy, creativity and passion into your subject. It requires you to try out, experiment, act and adapt.
And once you get into habit of doing that, nothing else will matter. Then, growth will become a happy by-product of your pursuit (and the way you do it). Opportunities will walk up to you.
Let unwavering dedication be real medal you pursue. Let the dust settle so you can see your true worth. Let real learning that makes a true impact in the world be your glittering prize.
Upward and onward!