Buddhist wisdom says that in order to attain peace we need to:
1) Let go.
2) Let go of letting go. (letting go as an act to feed the ego)
Let me explain it through this beautiful story from Osho.
Osho once stayed with a devotee. During his conversations, devotee would often refer to the fact that he kicked a fortune of millions to be a devotee. He shared this under different pretexts every day.
Osho asked, “When did you renounce your fortune?”, “Thirty Years Ago”, devotee replied.
Osho said, “Your kick was not very effective or else there would be no need to be reminded of it time and again. Renunciation should have been the end of the matter. You kicked the fortune but the notion of your past fortune is still following you.”
When we let go of things and boast about our greatness in doing it, we haven’t really let anything go. We are just attached to something else.